Building the ultimate frontpage solution with Thunder and Drupal

Chief Technical Architect
Drupal QuickEdit gif

Our 30+ media customers, from mediagroups to independent newspapers and magazines, have specific needs for their frontpages that include custom article ordering, selecting display style per article, injecting other content within the frontpage flow (ie. ads, newsletter signup, other content lists etc). We have gathered their requirements and written a generic Editorial Frontpage Specifications (draft).  

QuickFront and QuickerFront module in Ramsalt Media 1.0

We are working to get it included into the Thunder initiative. Going forward we are going to work closely with Mladen and Thunder to make sure our work is shared and useful for others in our community, and we would like to join forces on the implementation.

With this post we wish to open up the discussion to other companies that have the same challenges like us. The draft is open for suggestions and comments, please feel free to comment and give us feedback: Editorial Frontpage Specifications (Open for comments).

Feel free to contact us at any point, or give your comments on this blogpost.  

Stephan Zeidler, developer at Ramsalt [email protected]
Martin Norman Lund, CTO at Ramsalt [email protected]

We are also found in the Thunder slackchannel under mnlund and stephan.zeidler

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Einar Ryvarden, digitalsjef, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening deler sine beste tips for et godt internt søk på nettsider.

Vi er på jakt etter deg som liker både folk og teknologi, men ikke nødvendigvis har noen teknologiutdanning. 

Yngve W. Bergheim
Yngve W. Bergheim